Wednesday, December 8, 2010


In addition to the holiday craziness, being a stay at home mom to the twinadoes, and starting a photography business, I was diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff last week. Something has not been right with my shoulder since the Spring, but a shot of cortisone and some PT fixed things up for a while. In the last month, it started hurting again so I had a MRI and it showed a tear. I'm not a fan of surgery, hosptials, doctors, (who is right?), but I just want this surgery to be scheduled so I can be on the road to something.

My only bright side is that this is happening in the winter and not summer, when the kids are I are ALWAYS on the go. Hopefully by then, this will just be a bad memory and I'll be able to properly lift and hug my kids.

So after the surgery consult, I'll have to start thinking of some freezer meals that the kids will eat, wrap the presents so that is done, and do anything else I might need two hands for.

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